Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009

So, today, we were foolish. I love that the girls are finally old enough to "get" April Fool's Day. Of course, a 4 year old's pranks make about as much sense as a 4 year old's jokes (Why did the rubber chicken cross the road? To get to the rubber side.). But it gives us grown ups a chance to think less about the stresses of day to day life and more about the laughter that can be found in simple moments. There was lots of fooling around here - telling the girls that there were cupcakes for breakfast and telling daddy that a tooth fell out. Then after school we made it look like Sam was in the driver's seat when parked to pick up Abby from school. But the best was when I took a cue from and really did make "cupcakes" for dinner. Lots of laughter today. This day I am happy to act a fool.